Below are the main research lines of ETSIAE. Within each one, specific research areas are detailed. For more information, you can contact the Subdirectorate of Research and Doctorate:
1. Analysis and Design of Missions and Aerospace Vehicles
- Design of small aerial vehicles (MAV, micro air vehicles)
- Design of bioinspired aircraft
- Attitude control of spacecraft
- Scientific operations in microgravity
- Experimentation in microgravity
- Orbital mechanics and mission design
- Space mission design
- Design and simulation of aerospace structures
- Propeller and Rotor Systems
- Solar Power
- Astrodynamics: Orbital perturbations
- Analytical and semi-analytical methods
- Minimum distance between orbits (asteroids, space debris)
- Structural dynamics, vibro-acoustics
- Aeroelasticity
2. Plasma Physics and Technological Applications
- Numerical simulation of inertial confinement fusion processes
3. Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Combustion
- Hydrogen combustion, thermoacoustic instabilities, direct use of alternative fuels
- Compressible flow, shock waves, detonations, supersonic combustion
- Electrohydrodynamics
- Combustion
- Space Thermal Engineering
- Thermal control with phase change materials (PCMs)
- Vibrated fluids in microgravity
- Sloshing control
- Fluid physics in microgravity, bifurcations, symmetries
- Aeromechanical phenomena in sustainable aviation engine configurations
- Reduced models for improving aircraft aerodynamic performance and damage diagnostics
- Modeling and optimization of fluid dynamics problems
- Analysis and development of the Lattice Boltzmann method
- Geothermal energy
- Large-scale thermal energy storage
- Development of mathematical models, reduced models, deep learning, machine learning, artificial intelligence tools, data science, CFD simulation, control tools
- Flow control
- Propeller and Rotor Systems
- Solar Power
- Boundary Layers and Heat Transfer: Laminar
- Boundary Layers and Heat Transfer: Turbulent
- Separated Flows
- Subsonic Flow
- Unsteady Flows
- Experimental fluid mechanics and combustion
- Aeroelasticity
- Turbulence
- Large-scale computation
- Computational fluid mechanics
- CFD: Modeling and simulation
- Modeling of reduced chemistry for combustion
- Phase change modeling
- Reactive flow problems
- Mathematical modeling and numerical resolution of reactive flows
- Numerical methods for high Reynolds number flows
- Numerical methods for compressible multi-material flows
- Data analysis of fluid and biomedical mechanics using data-driven techniques
- Visualization of flow at extremely low Reynolds numbers
4. Design, Modeling, and Simulation of Systems
- Surface physics and nanomaterials
- Artificial intelligence: Reservoir neural networks. Prediction of complex time series. Applications to predictive maintenance and detection of large fluctuations
- Non-linear deterministic and stochastic dynamics, time-delay systems, unstable dynamics. Critical state systems
- Turbulence: Analytical description of the cascade process. Relevance in information processing. Multifractality. Complex systems
- Inverse problems and numerical methods
5. Aerodynamics
- Visualization of flow at extremely low Reynolds numbers
- Low Reynolds number aerodynamics
- Computational fluid mechanics (CFD): High-order methods (DG) and lattice Boltzmann methods
- Boltzmann (LBM): Mesh adaptation methods
- Boltzmann (LBM): Multiphase
- Machine learning: Deep neural networks. Regression: Reinforcement learning. Unsupervised machine learning (clustering)
- Data analysis of fluid and biomedical mechanics using data-driven techniques
- Dynamics and stability of the in-flight refueling system using the hose-and-drogue method
- Unsteady aerodynamics for compressible flows and active aeroelastic control in two-dimensional wings
- Experimental civil aerodynamics
6. Aerospace Production and Materials
- Advanced alloys: Physical and mechanical metallurgy
- Advanced and smart materials
- Metamaterials applied to vibration attenuation
- Nanomaterials
- High-performance metallic materials produced by additive manufacturing, metal powder recycling, and powder metallurgy
- Bioengineering of tissue mechanics, cellular behavior, and growth
7. Air Transport Systems and Operations
- Air transport
- Safety analysis and evaluation models in ATM (Air Traffic Management)
- Performance evaluation of human factors in ATM automation
- Traffic flow and capacity prediction models
- Air traffic management (ATM), air traffic control (ATC), and the introduction of AI in these areas
- Avionics systems simulation
- Airline models
- Network development and management
- Business model simulation
- Fleet planning
8. Technologies for Decarbonizing Energy and Transportation
9. Other
- Computational simulation of solids, multiphase physical systems, and structures
- Bioengineering of tissue mechanics, cellular behavior, and growth
- Artificial intelligence, digital twins, and computer vision
- Metamaterials and structural engineering
- Digital transformation and entrepreneurship in the aerospace industry
- Dynamic and fatigue behavior of materials used in civil engineering, especially concrete
- Self-repairing processes of cementitious materials